So I ordered the parts I think I need from Farnell / CPC and they have arrived so now it’s time to try and get the power supply working.

Farnell box arrives

First out of the box is the nice new power filter (I had to spend at least £30 with Farnell so thought I might as well get a new one anyway)

Power filter (nice and shiny)

Followed by two 250V varistors (one in case I nuke one)

250V Varistors for doing 'stuff'

3 250V fuses for the main transformer board (two in case I nuke one 🙂 )

250V fuses for blowing if things go wrong (hope not!)

2 5K variable resistors for replacing in the future the resistor used to adjust the +5V output (although they look a bit small so I might replace these)

5K Variable resistors for 'trimming' the resistance that the +5V power line has

Now the power filter has nice shielded plugs to avoid one killing one self if it is running so wonder if I can leave the varistor out and just use these (*let’s go and ask some people over at UKVAC who know) and then I can start on Sunday joining it all together.